Main Line - 877.524.6004 EXT 701
Downtown Easton - 610.829.1333
Commercial Printing
Cliff Ross is a full service print shop located in downtown Easton, PA. From color copies to postcards to business cards - we print everything! All of our printing is done in house. Need design work for your project? Our team of designers will work with you to create a custom design for your print project. We offer very fast turnaround on all projects.
We don't have any set up fee jive. We offer FREE delivery to downtown Easton and Fairmount in Philadelphia. Looking for a good price for your printing? We custom quote everything for the best price possible. 100% of our work is done in house. This ensures a competitive price.
We offer scanning for all print jobs, as well as printed proofs. Many print shops will send you a PDF proof - but that is not a true proof. Hard copy proofs are available for a small fee for all print jobs to ensure your job is perfect and exactly how you'd like it.
Our designers all have a college degree in design. Have your printed piece professionally designed... instead of having some printer using clip art to make your designs. Our design team will give you a competitive advantage over your competition.
We turnaround most jobs in 24-48 hours. Your print job is important, so we want to get you what you need right away. We provide same day quotes if we receive your request before 3pm.
Contact us today to get started on your print project! We are also a full service ad agency and design studio. Check out our other site here CLIFFROSS.COM
Color Copies
Black & White Copies
Post Cards
Business Cards
Gift Certificates
Desk Day Calendars
Note Pads
Handbills & fliers
Rack Cards
Door Hangers
Table Tents
Greeting Cards
Note Cards
Letterhead & Envelope
Invoices / Order Forms
Direct Mail
Booklets & Catalogs